Everything you wanted to know about Clean Rooms

Here you will find in-depth information, news and useful details about Clean Rooms, Sterile Rooms, BSL Laboratories, Dry Rooms and much more.


Air flow pattern in Clean Rooms

Air recirculation is essential to maintain cleanliness requirements in Clean Rooms: discover air flows.

Clean Room definition: what is it? What are the guidelines?

Find out everything about Clean Rooms: what they are, what are their characteristics and classification.

Clean Rooms vs Sterile Room

Clean Room and Sterile Room may seem synonyms: find out the differences.

Clean Room rules and regulations: everything you need to know

Do you know how to navigate Clean Room classification models? Find out more.

Setting up a Clean Room: the information you need

What are the parameters to design a Clean Room? Let the experts guide you.

Installation procedure of a Cleanroom

Discover the rules and behaviour operators must follow when setting up a Clean Room.

What are Softwall modular Clean Rooms?

Softwall Cleanrooms are the easiest solution to have small and medium clean areas.

UNI EN ISO 14644-1: Clean Room standards and regulations

What are the cleanliness classes of Clean Rooms and the maximum particle number by law.