Contact us

Galvani S.r.l.

Via Monti Lessini, 8
37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto
Verona, Italy

Tel. +39 045 8774911

Galvani Sweden AB

Lustgårdsgatan 19
11251 Stockholm

T. +46 73 093 36 81

Galvani Germany

BK – Innovative Technik GmbH
Kloster-Banz-Straße 28
D-96231 Bad Staffelstein

T. +49 (0) 9573/33148-12
M. +49 (0) 151/46574266

Galvani France

« Les Baccoliers »
55 Impasse des Prunus
01150 BLYES

TÉL. +33 6 30287812

Galvani Spain

IRIDA Ibérica S.L. Edif. CTM
Ctra. Villaverde-Vallecas, km 3,5
28053 Madrid (Spain)

Telf: +34 91 113 08 24

Ask us how we can
optimise your processes

Whatever you need a contamination-free environment for, we have the perfect bespoke solution for you.

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